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Home Recipes magimix DessertsCarambar cream

Carambar cream with the magimix

Are you in search of an irresistible treat that will satisfy all your cravings for indulgence ? Look no further, the recipe for magimix caramel Carambar cream is perfect for you. This delicious dessert cream combines the smoothness of caramel with the unique taste of the famous Carambar candies. Thanks to the magimix, making this recipe becomes child's play. Its creamy texture and deliciously sweet taste will seduce both young and old.

The secret of this cream lies in the perfect fusion between the melting caramel of the Carambars and the creamy sweetness of the milk. The magimix allows you to make this preparation in no time, while guaranteeing a smooth and velvety texture. Whether it's to finish a meal in style or for a gourmet break at tea time, the caramel Carambar cream will delight your taste buds with every bite.

So, let yourself be tempted by this simple and delicious recipe that instantly transports you into a whirlwind of sweet flavors. Discover without further delay how to make this caramel Carambar cream with magimix and enjoy it with your family or friends. Guaranteed success !


Enjoy this recipe of dessert cooking with the magimix , to be made all the year.


🥣 Making
2 minutes

🍳 Cooking
7 minutes

🕛 Duration
9 minutes


🥕 Ingredients

👣 Steps

𝄙 Comments

No (No vote)

Nutritional composition for 1 part

Calories : 228 cal (952 J)
Cholesterol: 96.5mg
Total Fat: 9g
Saturated fat: 4g
Dietary Fiber: 0.3g
Total Sugars: 23.9g
Total Carbohydrate: 31.1g
Vitamin D: 57.2µg
Iron: 0.9mg
Calcium: 148.8mg
Protein: 7g
Sodium: 139.2mg
Weight Watchers
WW SmartPoints : 10
Weight Watchers
WW ProPoints : 6

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Ingredients for 4 people

300G of milk
20G of cornflour
20G of heavy cream
12 carambars caramel taste
2 eggs
* For the Cook Expert recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.
(0) (1)


How to make a magimix dessert cream with Carambar flavor ?

  1. Unwrap the Carambars and place them in the magimix bowl.
  2. Set for 10 seconds at speed 16.
  3. Add the milk, eggs, and cornstarch to the magimix bowl.
  4. Set for 7 minutes at 90°C and speed 7.
  5. Add the heavy cream and set for 15 seconds at speed 12.

Enjoy this recipe by pouring the cream into ramekins and letting it cool. Vary the flavors by using fruity Carambars such as strawberry, raspberry, or lemon. Yum

* For this Cook Expert recipe, the cooking times are indicative. You will need to adapt your kitchen to your cooking method and your oven.
** This recipe was made with the Thermomix TM31. It has been automatically translated by our system. It is therefore given for information only. You should be inspired by it rather than following it step by step.

The magimix caramel Carambar cream is a true explosion of sweet flavors. With its creamy texture and deliciously caramelized taste, it will delight the taste buds of both young and old food lovers. Thanks to the ease of use of the magimix, this recipe becomes child's play to make.

Whether it's for a dessert to share with family or to surprise your guests at a meal, this caramel Carambar cream is a sure bet. Its enchanting aroma and melting sweetness will transport you to a world of indulgence and comfort.

So, let yourself be seduced by this recipe that combines simplicity and indulgence, and indulge in this caramel Carambar cream with magimix. A pure delight to savor without moderation!

🥕 🍳 💡?𝄙

Frequently asked questions

How to prevent the caramel from burning when melted in the magimix ?

To prevent the caramel from burning, it is important to use a low temperature setting on your device. Also, make sure to stir regularly while it heats up to achieve a smooth melting.

Can this caramel cream be made with magimix ?

Yes, magimix is perfectly suitable for making this recipe. It will melt the Carambars gently while precisely controlling the temperature.

Can I use this recipe as a base for other desserts ?

Certainly ! Caramel Carambar cream can be used as a filling in pies, verrines, or even as a sauce accompanying certain cakes. Let your imagination run wild!

Should whole milk be used for a creamier texture ?

Using whole milk can indeed give a richer and creamier texture to your caramel Carambar cream. However, you can also use semi-skimmed milk if you prefer a less fatty result.

How long should the cream be refrigerated before serving ?

It is recommended to let your caramel Carambar cream rest in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours (or ideally overnight) to solidify and reach its final consistency.

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Our culinary blog of magimix recipes has no connection with the Magimix brand which manufactures the Cook Expert, nor the Magimix recipe space. And the recipes presented are converted from thermomix TM31 to Magimix by our robot.

Version: 202403-01