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Pear vanilla milkshake with the magimix

Welcome to the refreshing and gourmet world of pear vanilla milkshake with magimix ! Get ready to savor a delicious combination of fruity and creamy flavors that will delight your taste buds.

Thanks to the simplicity of use and the power of magimix, making this milkshake becomes a breeze. Juicy pears and sweet vanilla blend perfectly to create a smooth and fragrant drink.

This milkshake is perfect for cooling off on hot summer days or indulging yourself throughout the year. The velvety texture and the combination of natural flavors make this drink a true delight to enjoy at any time of the day.

Carefully follow the recipe steps below and let the magimix do all the work for you. In just a few moments, you will have a perfectly balanced pear vanilla milkshake ready to be enjoyed.

Whether for a gourmet break, a refreshing dessert, or even an impromptu snack, the magimix pear and vanilla milkshake will be your ally to delight yourself and impress your loved ones.

Get ready to be transported into a whirlwind of flavors with this pear and vanilla milkshake with magimix. Enjoy every sip to escape and savor this deliciously comforting drink.


Enjoy this recipe of others cooking with the magimix , to be made all the year.


🥣 Making
2 minutes

🍳 Cooking
Without cooking

🕛 Duration
2 minutes


🥕 Ingredients

👣 Steps

𝄙 Comments

No (No vote)

Nutritional composition for 1 part

Calories : 67 cal (281 J)
Cholesterol: 4.6mg
Total Fat: 1.6g
Saturated fat: 0.9g
Dietary Fiber: 1.2g
Total Sugars: 9.9g
Total Carbohydrate: 11.8g
Vitamin D: 0.6µg
Iron: 0.1mg
Calcium: 55.8mg
Protein: 1.6g
Sodium: 20.4mg
Weight Watchers
WW SmartPoints : 3
Weight Watchers
WW ProPoints : 2

If you want to test this magimix recipe as 0 cook or if you have tested this magimix recipe as 0 chef, let us know.

Ingredients for 4 people

150g of pears
185g of milk
15g of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
* For the Cook Expert recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.
(0) (0)


To make an excellent magimix pear vanilla milkshake :

  1. Peel the pears, cut them into pieces, and freeze them flat.
  2. Put the frozen pears in the magimix bowl.
  3. Close the bowl and press the turbo mode button three times.
  4. Add the milk, sugar, and vanilla.
  5. Set for 1 minute at speed 7.

Enjoy it very cold


The pear and vanilla milkshake is a creamy and fragrant drink that pairs well with a variety of desserts, snacks, and dishes. Here are some suggestions for pairings to accompany your pear vanilla milkshake.


Pear tart : Pair your pear vanilla milkshake with a delicious pear tart to create a harmony of flavors between the creamy drink and the fruity tart.

Vanilla crumble : A crispy vanilla crumble with pieces of soft pear will be a perfect complement to your milkshake for a rich and comforting dessert.

Vanilla panna cotta : Serve your pear vanilla milkshake with a vanilla panna cotta for a combination of creamy textures and sweet, vanilla flavors.

Fruit salad : For a light and refreshing dessert, serve your pear vanilla milkshake with a fresh fruit salad for a combination of fruity and creamy flavors.

Vanilla crepes : Pair your vanilla crepes with a pear vanilla milkshake for a brunch or a rich and comforting dessert.


Madeleines : Pair your pear vanilla milkshake with delicious madeleines for a gourmet and fragrant snack break.

Vanilla shortbread cookies : Crispy vanilla shortbread cookies will be perfect for dipping into your milkshake and adding a touch of crunchiness to your snack break.

By pairing your pear vanilla milkshake with complementary desserts, snacks, and dishes, you will create delicious and balanced flavor combinations that will delight your taste buds. Enjoy these suggestions to explore new taste pairings and fully savor your gourmet drink.

* For this Cook Expert recipe, the cooking times are indicative. You will need to adapt your kitchen to your cooking method and your oven.
** This recipe was made with the Thermomix TM31. It has been automatically translated by our system. It is therefore given for information only. You should be inspired by it rather than following it step by step.

May each sip of this pear vanilla milkshake with magimix transport you to a gustatory paradise where freshness and sweetness harmoniously blend. You have discovered a simple and delicious recipe that will awaken your senses and delight your taste buds.

Enjoy this milkshake to quench your thirst on sunny days, to comfort yourself after a long day, or simply to treat yourself. Its velvety texture and subtle flavor combination will offer you a moment of pure indulgence.

We hope that this recipe for pear vanilla milkshake with magimix has inspired you and sparked your culinary creativity. Feel free to personalize this drink by adding a touch of cinnamon, some sliced almonds, or even a scoop of vanilla ice cream for even more indulgence.

magimix will continue to be your ally in creating delicious and easy-to-make recipes. Thank you for choosing this recipe, and we encourage you to explore further the endless possibilities that your magimix offers to satisfy your gourmet cravings.

May each tasting of this magimix pear vanilla milkshake provide you with a sensation of freshness and satisfaction. Enjoy and share this delight with your loved ones to create moments of happiness and conviviality. To your health and your gourmet pleasure !

🥕 🍳 💡?𝄙

Frequently asked questions

Can I add spices like cinnamon or cardamom to the pear vanilla milkshake with magimix ?

Yes, you can add spices like cinnamon or cardamom to add an extra flavor to your pear vanilla milkshake with magimix. Add them in moderation according to your personal preferences.

Can I use canned pears to make the pear vanilla milkshake with magimix ?

Yes, you can use canned pears to make the pear vanilla milkshake with magimix. Just make sure to drain the pears well before blending them.

Can I use pear ice cream instead of vanilla ice cream for the pear vanilla milkshake with magimix ?

Yes, you can use pear ice cream instead of vanilla ice cream to give an even more intense pear flavor to your pear vanilla milkshake with magimix.

Can I use almond milk or soy milk to make the pear vanilla milkshake with magimix ?

Yes, you can use almond milk or soy milk as an alternative to cow's milk in the recipe for the pear vanilla milkshake with magimix. This is also suitable for people with dietary restrictions.

How long should I blend the ingredients for the pear vanilla milkshake with magimix ?

You should blend the ingredients for the pear vanilla milkshake with magimix for about 1 to 2 minutes until you achieve a smooth and creamy consistency.

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Our culinary blog of magimix recipes has no connection with the Magimix brand which manufactures the Cook Expert, nor the Magimix recipe space. And the recipes presented are converted from thermomix TM31 to Magimix by our robot.

Version: 202403-01