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Apple cake with the thermomix

Welcome to this page dedicated to the recipe for Thermomix apple cake. If you're looking for a comforting and deliciously fragrant dessert, you've come to the right place!

Apple cake is a classic in pastry, and with the help of your faithful Thermomix, you'll be able to make it easily and quickly. Imagine soft pieces of tender apples, coated with a light and flavorful batter, all baked to perfection.

The Thermomix will allow you to mix the ingredients with precision, knead the dough evenly, and cook the cake optimally. This will result in a beautifully golden apple cake on the outside and incredibly moist on the inside.

Whether it's for a snack, dessert, or even breakfast, this Thermomix apple cake will delight the whole family. You can enjoy it as it is or accompany it with a caramel sauce or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an extra indulgent touch.

So, bring out your Thermomix, prepare your apples, and let yourself be guided by this recipe that combines simplicity and irresistible flavors. Surrender to the enchanting aroma that will fill your kitchen and enjoy this delicious homemade apple cake.

We hope this recipe will delight your taste buds and offer you a moment of pure gustatory pleasure. Follow the instructions step by step and let your Thermomix guide you in making this deliciously comforting apple cake. Bon appétit !


Enjoy this recipe of dessert cooking with the thermomix , to be made all the year.


🥣 Making
5 minutes

🍳 Cooking
60 minutes

🕛 Duration
65 minutes


🥕 Ingredients

👣 Steps

𝄙 Comments

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Ingredients for 4 people

200g of flour
150g of butter
150g of sugar
20g of fresh yeast
3 eggs
1 apple
1 packet of vanilla sugar
1/2 glass of water
* For the thermomix recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.
(0) (0)


Preheat the oven to 180°C

  1. Put the water and yeast in the Thermomix bowl and set it to 3 minutes at 37°C.
  2. Then add the other ingredients, except for the apple.
  3. Set it to 3 minutes at speed 3.
  4. Peel and cut the apple into cubes.
  5. Add it to the Thermomix bowl.
  6. Set it to 30 seconds in reverse mode at speed 2.
  7. Butter a cake mold.
  8. Pour the obtained batter. Scrape the sides with a spatula.
  9. Bake for 60 minutes at 180°C.

Enjoy! Treat your taste buds and eyes with this delicious Thermomix apple cake. Yum ;)

* For this thermomix recipe, the cooking times are indicative. You will need to adapt your kitchen to your cooking method and your oven.
** All the recipes being prepared with the TM31, so you can make them both with the TM5 and the new thermomix TM6, but also with the thermomix competitor such as the Companion from Moulinex, the Cook Expert from Magimix, KCook from Kenwood, monsieur cuisine plus and other kitchen food processors.

Thermomix apple cake is an essential recipe that will delight your taste buds and those of your loved ones. Thanks to the ease of use of the Thermomix and the detailed instructions provided, you will be able to effortlessly make this delicious dessert.

The combination of juicy apple pieces and the moist cake batter creates a perfect harmony of flavors and textures. Whether it's for a snack, dessert, or a special occasion, this cake will always charm.

You can personalize this cake by adding nuts, raisins, or spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg to add variety. Serve it warm or cold, with a cup of tea or a scoop of ice cream, and let yourself be transported by its comforting taste.

So, don't hesitate to try this Thermomix apple cake recipe and share this delight with your loved ones. You will be surprised at how easily you can achieve such a delicious result.

We hope that this recipe will add a touch of indulgence to your table and wow your guests. Feel free to explore other Thermomix cake recipes to diversify your culinary repertoire. Enjoy !

🥕 🍳 💡?𝄙

Frequently asked questions

Can I replace the butter with a vegan alternative ?

Yes! You can use vegan butter or even replace the butter with vegetable oil as an alternative in this recipe.

How do I know if my cake is cooked ?

Insert a toothpick or a knife into the center of the cake. If it comes out clean and dry without any traces of raw batter, that means your cake is ready.

Can I add nuts or other dried fruits to the batter ?

Absolutely! You can add chopped nuts, raisins, or even cranberries to add a crunchy texture and additional flavor to the cake.

Can I use different varieties of apples in my recipe ?

Yes, you can use different apple varieties to add more flavor and interesting texture to your cake. For example, you can mix Granny Smith with Golden Delicious.

How should I store my apple cake after baking ?

This type of Thermomix cake can be stored for up to 4 days at room temperature if well wrapped in plastic wrap or placed in an airtight container.

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Our culinary blog of thermomix recipes has no connection with the Vorwerk brand which manufactures the Thermomix, nor with the official thermomix Cookidoo platform. And the recipes presented are, of course, not compatible with the Cookey.

Version: 202403-01