French baguette



Cooking : 30 minutes
4 persons
For 2 french baguettes :
500G of flour
300G of water
10G of salt
1 cube of fresh yeast
To cook a fail-proof Thermomix baguette recipe and achieve a good traditional baguette :




Leave the dough to rise in the bowl of Thermomix. Cover it with a damp cloth. The dough should double in volume.Step 3/16
Remove dough from thermomix and knead. Form a rectangle with the dough, fold the side that is facing you on the other side and press to trap air. Repeat the process several times.Step 4/16
Let rise again the dough in a bowl. Cover with a damp cloth.Step 5/16
Place the dough on a floured flat work surface. Roll out the dough and fold the edge to the middle and press. Repeat the operation several times.Step 6/16
Divide dough into 2 and form a square. Fold the right side in the middle and do the same for the left side to form a coil. Round off the ends of the stick.Step 7/16
Repeat the above procedure with the second piece of dough.Step 8/16
Put the sticks on a baguette pan.Step 9/16


Place a container filled with water in the bottom of your oven.Step 12/16
Once lifted sticks, moisten them slightly with water.Step 13/16
Bread diagonally cut at several locations by means of a knife.Step 14/16

Once your chopsticks cooked, leave to cool on a rack.Step 16/16