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Home Recipes magimix DessertsCustard tart without dough

Custard tart without dough with the magimix

Discover the recipe for magimix crustless custard flan, a light and delightfully creamy version of this classic dessert. This magimix flan, with its velvety texture and refined taste, will conquer the taste buds of dessert lovers.

Thanks to the versatility of the magimix, preparing this flan is a breeze. In just a few simple steps, you will obtain a smooth and creamy custard without having to worry about making a crust. You can fully concentrate on preparing the filling to achieve a perfectly successful flan.

The secret of this flan lies in the perfect combination of milk, eggs, sugar, and vanilla. The natural sweetness of the milk combined with the subtle vanilla flavor offers an exquisite harmony of flavors. This dessert, both comforting and light, will satisfy even the most demanding palates.

Whether it's for a special occasion or for the pleasure of a homemade treat, magimix crustless custard flan is a delicious and easy option to make. Its smooth texture and vanilla flavor make it a perfectly balanced dessert. Serve it chilled, accompanied by a drizzle of caramel sauce for an extra touch of indulgence.

In summary, magimix crustless custard flan is a delicate and flavorful variation of the classic dessert. Its velvety texture and subtle vanilla taste will delight dessert enthusiasts. Prepare this flan with your magimix and enjoy this delicious homemade creation.


Enjoy this recipe of dessert cooking with the magimix , to be made all the year.


🥣 Making
2 minutes

🍳 Cooking
48 minutes

🕛 Duration
50 minutes


🥕 Ingredients

👣 Steps

𝄙 Comments

No (No vote)

Nutritional composition for 1 part

Calories : 429 cal (1796 J)
Cholesterol: 145mg
Total Fat: 12g
Saturated fat: 5.8g
Dietary Fiber: 1.4g
Total Sugars: 50.3g
Total Carbohydrate: 67.1g
Vitamin D: 153.9µg
Iron: 2.6mg
Calcium: 332.1mg
Protein: 13.8g
Sodium: 154.9mg
Weight Watchers
WW SmartPoints : 19
Weight Watchers
WW ProPoints : 12

If you want to test this magimix recipe as 2 cooks or if you have tested this magimix recipe as 4 chefs, let us know.

Ingredients for people

1000g of milk
150G of sugar
90G of cornflour
3 eggs
1 vanilla pod
* For the Cook Expert recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.
(0) (0)


To prepare this foolproof magimix crustless custard flan recipe, simple and quick to prepare but delicious, step by step :

Preheat the oven to 180°C

For the preparation of the magimix custard :

  1. Put the sugar, eggs, milk, and cornstarch in the magimix bowl.
  2. Split the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the vanilla seeds.
  3. Add the seeds to the magimix bowl and set the cooking time to 8 minutes at 90°C, speed 7, in XL kneader.

To cook the crustless magimix custard :

  1. Grease an ovenproof dish and pour the mixture into the dish, then bake for 40 minutes.
  2. Allow it to cool slightly before placing the dish in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours to cool.

Enjoy ! This magimix custard flan is a true delight. Yum !

* For this Cook Expert recipe, the cooking times are indicative. You will need to adapt your kitchen to your cooking method and your oven.
** This recipe was made with the Thermomix TM31. It has been automatically translated by our system. It is therefore given for information only. You should be inspired by it rather than following it step by step.

magimix crustless custard flan is an essential dessert that combines simplicity, creaminess, and exquisite flavors. Its easy and quick preparation with the magimix allows everyone to enjoy it effortlessly.

This flan stands out with its smooth and melting texture, as well as its delicate vanilla taste. Its smooth consistency and lightness make it an irresistible treat that will satisfy the taste buds of both young and old.

The recipe for magimix crustless custard flan also offers many options for customization. You can add a touch of indulgence by sprinkling brown sugar caramelized on top of the flan, or by serving it with a caramel sauce or a seasonal fruit coulis.

Whether it's for a family dessert, a gathering with friends, or simply to treat yourself, this magimix crustless custard flan will delight your guests. Its elegant presentation and delicate flavor make it a perfect dessert for any occasion.

So, let yourself be seduced by this creamy and flavorful delight, and treat yourself to a moment of sweetness and indulgence with this homemade magimix crustless custard flan. You won't be able to resist its melting texture and irresistible taste!

Feel free to share this recipe with your loved ones and savor this dessert that is as delicious as it is easy to make. Treat yourself and enjoy this magimix crustless custard flan, a true symbol of indulgence and comfort.

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21 tips and tricks FAQ

🥕 🍳 💡?𝄙

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to use a specific mold for baking the flan with magimix ?

You can bake the crustless custard flan in a pie, cake, or pudding mold, depending on the shape you want to achieve.

Should I use vanilla powder or vanilla extract ?

You can use vanilla extract or vanilla bean seeds to flavor the flan. Choose the option that suits you best.

Can I customize the flavor of the crustless custard flan ?

Yes, you can customize the flavor by adding almond extract, citrus zest, or other flavors to the custard mixture.

How to serve the crustless magimix custard flan ?

Once cooled, unmold the flan and serve it sliced into individual portions. You can sprinkle powdered sugar or cocoa powder on top before serving.

How long does it take to prepare a crustless magimix custard flan ?

The preparation time will mainly depend on the cooking step and the preparation of the custard mixture, but generally, it can take around 30 to 40 minutes.

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Our culinary blog of magimix recipes has no connection with the Magimix brand which manufactures the Cook Expert, nor the Magimix recipe space. And the recipes presented are converted from thermomix TM31 to Magimix by our robot.

Version: 202403-01