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FAQ on the bolognese sauce with the magimix


🥣 Making
10 minutes

🍳 Cooking
45 minutes

🕛 Duration
55 minutes


🥕 Ingredients

👣 Steps

𝄙 Comments

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Nutritional composition for 1 part

Calories : 288 cal (1207 J)
Cholesterol: 78.8mg
Total Fat: 12.6g
Saturated fat: 3g
Dietary Fiber: 3.4g
Total Sugars: 10.8g
Total Carbohydrate: 16.7g
Vitamin D: 0.1µg
Iron: 4.3mg
Calcium: 61.9mg
Protein: 29.7g
Sodium: 735.9mg
Weight Watchers
WW SmartPoints : 8
Weight Watchers
WW ProPoints : 8

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Ingredients for people

500g minced meat
25g oil
1 cup of water
1 can of tomato paste
1 can of peeled tomatoes
1 heaped tablespoon sugar
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
Salt and pepper
* For the Cook Expert recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.

Frequently asked questions

How to prepare Bolognese sauce with magimix ?

To prepare Bolognese sauce with magimix, you will need ingredients such as minced meat, canned tomatoes, vegetables, spices, and herbs. The recipe usually involves cooking and mixing these ingredients at specific temperatures and speeds.

What is the function of magimix that I should use to prepare Bolognese sauce ?

You will mainly use the "Cooking" function of the magimix, as well as the mixing functions to chop the vegetables and meat.

How long does it take to prepare Bolognese sauce with magimix ?

The preparation time can vary depending on the recipe, but generally, it can take around 30 to 40 minutes to prepare Bolognese sauce with magimix.

Can I customize the ingredients of Bolognese sauce with magimix ?

Yes, you can customize the ingredients by adding or removing certain vegetables, spices, or herbs according to your preferences.

Can Bolognese sauce with magimix be vegetarian ?

Yes, you can prepare a vegetarian version of Bolognese sauce by replacing the minced meat with plant-based substitutes like lentils or soy.

What is the best way to serve Bolognese sauce prepared with magimix ?

Bolognese sauce is often served with pasta, but you can also use it as a base for lasagna, gratins, or even pizzas.

Should I adjust the consistency of Bolognese sauce with magimix ?

If the sauce is too thick, you can add a little water or broth to achieve the desired consistency.

How to store Bolognese sauce prepared with magimix ?

Bolognese sauce can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for 3 to 4 days. You can also freeze it for later use.

Can I use fresh tomatoes to prepare Bolognese sauce with magimix ?

Yes, you can use fresh tomatoes, but make sure to peel and chop them before adding them to the recipe.

Can I prepare a large quantity of Bolognese sauce with magimix ?

Yes, you can adjust the proportions of the recipe according to your needs. However, make sure not to overload the magimix bowl for optimal results.

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Our culinary blog of magimix recipes has no connection with the Magimix brand which manufactures the Cook Expert, nor the Magimix recipe space. And the recipes presented are converted from thermomix TM31 to Magimix by our robot.

Version: 202403-01