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Home Recipes thermomix DessertsChocolate truffles

Chocolate truffles with the thermomix

Welcome to the irresistible world of Thermomix chocolate truffles ! These little chocolate delights are the epitome of indulgent pleasure. Prepared with care and ease using your Thermomix, they will delight the taste buds of both young and old. Imagine velvety chocolate truffles, deliciously coated in cocoa, coconut, or praline, and infused with a touch of vanilla or a hint of coffee. Their smooth texture and intense flavor will make each bite a moment of pure happiness. Thanks to the multiple functionalities of your Thermomix, preparing truffles becomes child's play. With just a few simple ingredients and a little time, you can create these chocolate delights to share with family, friends, or to give as a gift. Whether it's to celebrate a special occasion, satisfy a craving, or simply brighten your day, Thermomix chocolate truffles are the perfect option. So, let yourself be tempted by this divine recipe and dive into the world of the most exquisite chocolate flavors. You will be surprised by how easy it is to make these Thermomix truffles and how satisfying they will be for your taste buds. Get ready to indulge and bring joy to your loved ones with these little chocolate wonders. So, put on your apron, take out your Thermomix, and dive into the preparation of these chocolate truffles that will enchant your senses. Get ready for a taste journey full of sweetness and chocolate delights !


Enjoy this recipe of dessert cooking with the thermomix , to be made all the year.


🥣 Making
15 minutes

🍳 Cooking
Without cooking

🕛 Duration
15 minutes


🥕 Ingredients

👣 Steps

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Ingredients for people

200g of chocolate
40g of sugar cubes
2 tablespoons of heavy cream
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1 egg yolk
1 drop of vanilla extract
* For the thermomix recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.
(0) (0)


  1. Put the sugar cubes in the Thermomix bowl.
  2. Turn the knob to close the bowl and press turbo for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Set aside the powdered sugar.
  4. Put the chocolate in the Thermomix bowl and set for 7 seconds at speed 7.
  5. Add all the other ingredients except the cocoa powder. Set for 5 minutes at 50°C and speed 4.
  6. Transfer to a bowl and chill for one hour.
  7. Then shape into small balls and roll in cocoa powder.
  8. Arrange the truffles on a dish.

Enjoy this delicious Thermomix truffle recipe !

* For this thermomix recipe, the cooking times are indicative. You will need to adapt your kitchen to your cooking method and your oven.
** All the recipes being prepared with the TM31, so you can make them both with the TM5 and the new thermomix TM6, but also with the thermomix competitor such as the Companion from Moulinex, the Cook Expert from Magimix, KCook from Kenwood, monsieur cuisine plus and other kitchen food processors.

The recipe for Thermomix chocolate truffles is a true invitation to indulgence. With its simplicity of use and quick preparation, the Thermomix proves to be the perfect ally for making these delicious homemade chocolate truffles. Their velvety texture, intense flavor, and irresistible appearance make them an ideal dessert for chocolate lovers. You can personalize this recipe by adding additional ingredients such as crushed nuts, spices, or even a hint of coffee for an even more flavorful note. Whether it's for a special occasion, a gourmet gift, or simply to satisfy your chocolate craving, these truffles will always be a success. So, let yourself be tempted by this exquisite culinary experience and enjoy these Thermomix chocolate truffles. Your taste buds will thank you, and you'll be proud to offer a homemade touch of chocolate to your loved ones.

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12 tips and tricks TM5 FAQ

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Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to prepare chocolate truffles with Thermomix ?

The preparation of chocolate truffles with Thermomix takes about 20 to 30 minutes, plus cooling time.

How to roll the truffles in cocoa powder without them sticking ?

To prevent the truffles from sticking when rolling them in cocoa powder, make sure they are well cooled and use lightly floured hands.

Can I customize the chocolate truffle recipe ?

Yes, you can customize the truffles by adding flavors like vanilla, coffee, or alcohol (such as rum or amaretto) to vary the flavors.

How to give the truffles a uniform shape ?

Use a melon baller or a small spoon to form uniform-sized balls before rolling them in the coating.

How to serve chocolate truffles ?

Serve chocolate truffles as a dessert, as a sweet treat after a meal, or as gourmet gifts. Present them in paper liners for a nice presentation.

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Our culinary blog of thermomix recipes has no connection with the Vorwerk brand which manufactures the Thermomix, nor with the official thermomix Cookidoo platform. And the recipes presented are, of course, not compatible with the Cookey.

Version: 202403-01